This is a question that plagues us.
At any age.
When those first hormonal urgings hit us (mid-teens) to our midlife years and beyond, we wonder if we get enough, is what we get normal, and how does it compare to our peers?
It’s enough to get us so ‘worked-up’ that we can’t get it up.
Let’s answer the question of How Much Sex Should You Be Having In A Week:
5. Is there a normal?
Everybody is different and the frequency is driven by many factors.
For instance, teens and twenty-somethings have a reputation to ‘hump like bunnies’. Hormones are surging.
The good news is that is very possible for older men to have sex into their seventies.
4. Then life occurs.
The free-wheeling time we had in our twenties fizzles.
We have work. We go to school. We are starting families. The desire is still there, but with all those irons in the fire, the frequency may drop to half.
The good news is you can bounce back.
You can sneak in a date night here and there. Send the kids to overnighters with the grandparents. Frequency may diminish, but creative opportunities make up for quantity.
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3. Ahh—the 30s and 40s.
After years of limited activity, you are in a rut—and not the kind you REALLY want.
It may take a little more effort to flame the fires, but add in a little extra foreplay, some creative invitation, conversation, and adventure, and the surge is on.
2. Over 50 plus.
There is some crazy notion that when you hit the half century mark, nothing functions like it used to.
Truth is, things are better after 50. We’re rediscovering our bodies and becoming more adventurous.
While sex drive and performance issues may creep up on us, our sexual frequency can still kick in a few times per month.
1. So is there a normal?
No. It’s what works for you.
The biggest obstacle to our frequency and performance is the expectations set by society.
Toss out what you know, or think you know, and enjoy every stage and age.