Your lifestyle habits will determine how you look and how you feel.
To get in shape and stay in shape, there’s only one thing that matters… habits.
You first make your habits, then your habits make you!
Here are 7 Habits You Need To Do To Get Back in Shape
7. Eat at the same time.
By having a regular eating schedule, it improves the metabolic response to your meals.
So, Eat meals at the same time every day. By simply eating at the same time day in and day out will allow you to shed off weight.
Why? Well, having stable eating patterns allows for your metabolism to function efficiently. Not to mention making less decisions about food each day so you avoid making any poor choices.
6. Restrict your calories.
Calorie restriction doesn’t mean going hungry, it means reducing your calories.
Intermittent fasting is the most popular way of restricting calories – cycles of eating and fasting each day. The 16:8 diet is most popular. This means eating within an eight-hour window, then fasting for the remaining 16 hours of the day.
Here’s something else: try the rule of eating until you’re about 80% full. If you want to lose weight this especially is something to try. This way you’re not going hungry, you don’t stuff yourself – it’s a balance in between.
5. Reduce stress.
Stress disrupts your sleep.
Ever felt the urge to eat something sweet when you’re tired?
Well, when stressed, your body goes into fight or flight mode. When this happens, the body releases glucose into the blood giving energy to your muscles.
In short, because you don’t use that energy then you produce insulin to bring the blood sugar levels back down. This makes you hungry. So, you crave sugary treats.
Now, you can’t avoid stress but you can have ways to manage your stress on a daily basis. This could mean a glass of wine and a social dinner with family or friends. Or, it could be a quiet walk in the evening.
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4. Set a goal.
Goal setting is one of the most useful ways for you to always be in shape.
Goal setting gives long-term vision and short-term motivation. It allows you to achieve more, improve your performance and gives you a sense of completion along the way!
Research shows people who goal set effectively:
• Are happier with their performance
• Get less stress or anxiety
• Have more confidence
• Concentrate better
• Perform better
When setting a goal, remember: SMART • Specific
• Measurable • Accurate
• Realistic
• Timely
This might be the biggest reason for people being out of shape in the first place. When trying to get back into shape, this is the single most important thing to bear in mind! So, listen up…
3. Avoid burnout.
When you finally get the motivation to get after it, somewhere down the line you stop.
You lose interest, motivation or you can’t keep it up. It’s crucial you are consistent and don’t stop and start all the time. Otherwise, you’ll end up getting nowhere!
So, here are some things to avoid burnout:
• Choose something that’s or the most part enjoyable
• Choose something that you can progress at
• Start slow and work your way up
• Don’t set high expectations
• Do it with some company
• Choose a social sport
2. Be active each day.
Choose activities you enjoy and can do regularly, a low-moderate level activity that can be a part of your daily routine.
Although you will lose more weight in a shorter period of time if you do high intensity workouts, it’s key you stay consistent. Things like: using the stairs, gardening or walking instead of driving. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity a day.
Last, but not least…
1. Snack smarter.
Avoid the doughnuts, candy bars and bags of chips.
Instead, look for fresh fruit, salads and yogurt.
Remember: your weight is stable when the calories you eat equal the calories you burn. If you weigh more than you’d like, one extra snack – if consistently eaten –can keep you from losing weight.