Super-charging your energy makes you ultra-productive.
Being low on fuel makes you slug through your day.
How good would it feel to have all the energy you wanted throughout your day? But realize this: as you sit here, reading these words, the human body is doing a lot! And to do so, it uses a lot of energy.
In fact, every man uses about 2000 Calories per day.
Here are some tips to Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally:
5. Get plenty of sleep.
I don’t have to tell you about the importance of sleep.
But let me ask you this: how well do you sleep? Many people’s sleep is out of whack. It lacks consistency.
Here are some tips to try out:
• Go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time every day:
This tells the internal body clock or the circadian rhythm in the brain to get used to a set routine. This will allow you to have the energy when you need it.
• Know what time you need to wake up.
Then you can set a regular bedtime schedule. This means you should avoid Naps. You need deep sleep; naps won’t cut it. It’s easier to fall asleep come night time and promotes a more restful sleep in the long run.
4. Wind down.
Few people manage to stick to a bedtime routine.
Taking time to relax before you go to bed and having a routine every night will help you prepare for sleep.
Here are some ways to wind down:
• A hot bath. Not only will your muscles relax your body actually will cool down after you get out. This will put your body at a good temperature before sleep.
• A cold shower. Again, your body sleeps better when it’s cooler at night. It will give you a jolt of energy for a minute but when you get to bed, you’ll feel tired…trust me.
• Write a to-do list for the next day to clear your mind of distractions
• Avoid screens an hour or so before you go to bed. And, put a night mode on any screens you do use. The blue light affects your sleep.
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3. Make your bedroom a good place to sleep.
Your bedroom should be a relaxing environment.
We want to subconsciously link bedroom with sleeping, so limit your bedroom to two things:
1. Sleep
2. Sex
Try to separate anything else you may be doing in the bedroom, like working for example.
2. Limit alcohol before bed.
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We all like a drink and I’m not saying to never drink.
What I’m saying is cut down on alcohol before bedtime. Although drinking in the evening can cause you to fall asleep quickly, you won’t sleep as deeply. The next day you will be tired – even if you get enough hours in.
Instead, make it a smaller one and have a lower-strength drink. You’ll get a better night’s rest and have more energy.
1. How to eat for energy.
Ever felt tired after a big bowl of pasta?
Well, our digestive system breaks down carbs into simple sugars. These sugars enter the blood affecting your blood sugar levels. Foods like pasta cause a rise in blood sugar and insulin, making you feel tired.
There’s a way to measure this. You can do this with the Glycemic Index (GI). Now, the Glycemic Index ranks foods containing carbs and their effect on your blood sugar levels.
The higher the carbohydrate amount in the food you eat the higher the glycaemic index. (Foods containing few or no carbs so do not have a GI value).
In short, what this means is, foods with a low GI are better. They digest and absorb slowly, causing a slower rise in blood sugar levels. Giving you stable energy levels.
And, foods with a high GI are worse. They’re quickly digested and absorbed, meaning rapid rise and fall of blood sugar levels.
Here are some examples:
Low GI foods (1-55)
• Green vegetables
• Most fruits
• Bran breakfast cereals
• Carrots
• Lentils
Medium GI foods (56-69)
• Oats
• Bananas
• Pineapple
• Raisins
High GI foods (70+)
• Pasta
• White rice
• White bread
• Potatoes
This gives you a guide to picking foods so you don’t crash. Instead, you can have higher and more stable energy levels throughout your day. Now you have the tools to work like Speedy Gonzales!