It’s no secret no man wants to feel weak or feel like they can’t do something.
Not to mention worry about your clothes fitting because your stomach sticks out farther than Sir Willy.
The sad part is it’s not as easy as it was when we were younger. Now we have to consider our injuries from years past and the fact that our metabolism has changed as well
In years past it was all about just going out and hitting it hard until we can’t lift another thing. Sore as heck the next day then back at it again or we would train a different body part every day. Our bodies cannot train like that right out of the box anymore.
Our recovery times are longer and our muscle burnout is faster. Now we have to train smarter and not harder, yes that old line you saw everywhere in the 90’s.
We have to train for our bodies and our goals not the bodybuilder or fitness model in Men’s Health and other magazines.
These guys have most likely never been out of shape a day in their lives, as well as, probably haven’t even reached 35 years old yet.
Here are 4 tips on How To Get Back In Shape After 40:
4. The best way to get back in shape is to start slow, yes I said slow.
Do not expect changes to happen overnight!
Your body will not respond the way it did when you were in your 20’s. Go get an evaluation from a qualified experienced trainer. The will be able to identify your muscular imbalances, which can lead to injuries if not addressed.
3. Start with a good stretching program that you can perform daily.
This will help to correct your muscular imbalances, as well as, increase blood flow throughout your body.
Cardiovascular training should not begin by going for a run. Let’s be honest when was the last time you ran and it was not to the bathroom. Start by walking, hiking or riding a bicycle for 30-40 minutes if you can. If you can’t then you do what you can and build up to 30-40 minutes.
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2. When you can perform 30-40 minutes with ease add resistance, increase your speed or increase your distance.
Resistance training should be total body and focus on functional strength.
Functional strength basically means being able to perform everyday activities without any issues or pain.
For example taking the stairs for 3-4 flights and performing 20-30 pushups with good form and not dying after. Your total body workouts should consist of leg exercises (squats, deadlifts and lunges), chest exercises (DB press, cable flyes and pushups) and back exercises (lat pulldown, standing rows, reverse flyes).
Your starting sets and repetitions should be no less than 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Yes, you will have to use lower weights to perform the endurance repetitions.
1. This type of training should last for at least 4-6 weeks before you will need to shake up your program.
In this time your body will make some significant changes in lean muscle mass and body fat percentage, as long as you are eating clean.
Training, Discipline and Dedication take on a whole new meaning after we as men reach 40 years old.